I Really Lost It
Saturday, January 22, 2005
I'm working on another Aran sweater. This one is by Norah Gaughan from Interweave Knits winter 01/02. I'm using Grey Heather Patons Decor. There is a not so funny story about this sweater. I started it months ago and as I neared the end of the first ball of yarn I discovered I couldn't find the rest of the yarn I bought to finish the project. I searched everywhere. I looked through my huge pile of stash several times. I searched under my bed and through every closet (and we have many closets, more than you'd expect in a New York apartment). I looked every where. I even asked my grandma if I had left a bag of grey yarn at her house. No dice. I came to the shocking realization that I had to buy more yarn.
I went back to P&S fabrics, where I bought the yarn originally, because I thought they might have some of the same dye lot. But when I got there it was closed. A guy eating take-out chinese in front of a neighboring store saw my befuddled expression and told me they were closed for the holiday. It was one of the Jewish holidays in the fall. I forgot. P&S is closed from sundown Friday till Sunday morning and all the Jewish holy days. So I went home empty handed. I called P&S to find out when they were going to be open again. It wasn't until the next week. So I waited. The next time I went I called first, just to make sure they would be open. But the answering machine informed me that they were closed due to a death in the family and that they'd remain closed for two weeks. Of course, P&S isn't the only yarn store in New York City, but it's the only one I go to that sells Patons and Lion Brand and all the cheap yarns I like. So I waited. And waited. And waited. When they finally reopened, I went. Of course they didn't have any of the dye lot left, so I bought seven skeins of a different dye lot. At first I was going to just continue knitting what I had already started. But the original piece had a couple of inches where I knit the fancy rib all wrong, so I decided to start from the beginning. I used the old piece to make my helmet hat and hand warmers.
Tonight I finished the back. Now all I have left are the two fronts, two sleeves, and, of course, finishing. I figure I'll be done with it just in time for summer, that is, unless I lose the rest of the yarn.
posted at 10:49 PM .
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