Crochet Madness
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I've tried my hand at amigurumi again, this time after tackling a couple of easy crochet projects as a warm up. Since I felt more comfortable about weilding the hook, I dug in and and crafted another chihuahua. Please don't ask where I got the pattern: I didn't use one. And I didn't write down what I was doing as I did it. I know, not very bright of me, but I think it adds to the one-of-a-kindness of my new chi baby. I tried to knit her a sweater, but her head is so large there was no way it was going to fit, so I made her a little pink cape instead. I made the doll in one day.
I also finished another crochet project yesterday. Can you believe I finished something? Trust me, I'm in shock myself. I spent the last week or so making the "Exchange Bag" from Stitch 'N Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker. I chose a sophisticated taupe nylon yarn. The result is handbag Kyle says looks like something an old lady would tote her bingo markers around in. Whatever. I like it. I need to get a snap for it today so it won't gape open. I have enough yarn left over to make another one--for my grandma perhaps. This bag was a good project to tackle, because it forced me to really look at the stitches I was making. I had to go back and rip out the middle part of the bag twice because I messed up the pattern. But it all worked well. Now I have yet another bag and I've sharpened my crocheting chops.
posted at 9:29 AM .
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