Yummy Amigurummi
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I've been working away at these little critters, I suppose because I have a fetish for cuteness. I got three Japanese amigurumi books off of eBay, none of which are in English. They do, however, have diagrams, so with a little fudging and a lot of scrutinizing I was able to whip up this chipmunk and my second chihuahua. I'm giving the chihuahua to my mom. She was so disappointed I didn't bring her granddogter to visit the last time I was out, I said I'd make her a little stuffed Lulu. Of course, it's not as cute as the real Lulu, but at least this one won't bite my step dad or pee on the rug.
The chipmunk was real simple to make, since it had less parts than the chi. The one in the book looks a little better because he's meant to be holding a little felt nut in his hands, but I didn't have any brown felt, so I kind of just ignored that part. I've since come to the realization that the nut makes the chipmunk. Oh well.
Enough with the pattern amigurumi--the last one I'm working on is my own pattern (not that I wrote it down or anything). It's an angry red cat. I wanted to make it a devil cat and I still might, if I figure out a good way to make some believable horns. I've crocheted most of the pieces (except for the tail), so it should be done soon, but I have a more pressing project to work on, one with an actual deadline.
It's Glampyre's Minisweater, aka the Boob Holder, and the clock is ticking. I'm trying to finish it in time for my cousin's wedding on the third of July. The body is done and I just started on the right sleeve. I really like the pattern, though I've couldn't get the guage for Glampyre's version, so I've mostly been working off Cosmicpluto's adaptation, The Cavern Cardi. I haven't decided if I want to make it long sleeved or not. The good thing about working top-down in the round is that you can try it on every few rounds. I'm knitting it in cranberry red Plymouth Fantasy Naturale that I bought years ago when I first started to knit. I unravelled the back of an unfinished cardigan to make the Minisweater. I had used the rest of the yarn to make the Seaberry Shell from Interweave Knits Summer 2006 issue. Now I am going to have to rip the Seaberry to make the arms. I made the Seaberry Shell a few weeks ago, but the collar looked all wonky, so I never seamed the sides. I want to make another one, but I can't find the Twinkle yarn specified in the pattern. If I get a chance, I'll take pictures of both the Seaberry Shell and the Minisweater.
posted at 12:09 AM .
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