It Felt Nice
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
I've been making felted bags lately. I use my machine to do the boring stockinette stitch parts and hand finish the rest before I run them through the industrial Wascomat machines in my building's basement. I really wish I had my own washing machine, but it's verboten in our co-op. Our building was built in the 1940s as naval housing, way before washing machines were something everyone had. The plumbing can't handle it.
So here are the bags:
First we have the most recent, any my favorite, the Red Bamboo Bag. I used KnitPicks Wool of the Andes in Cherry Blossom, Tomato and Cranberry. Their wool is great -- very saturated, vibrant colors and it felts really well. And it's inexpensive. This bag has spiffy 6" bamboo handles and even a zipper! I'm so crafty.
Next we have a lovely Bluegreen Tote Bag. This is the first bag I made with my machine. I modeled it after my favorite type of bag Sanrio has been selling lately. I have this style bag in Hello Kitty, Chococat and DeeryLou, although those are made of canvas and are a bit smaller than my felted version. My bag is big. It's got a magnetic closure so things stay put and a little MetroCard pocket in front. I used Patons Classic Merino Wool in Peacock, Leaf Green and Ocean.
This Red Ruffled Bag is based on a bag I saw in either "Vogue Knitting" or "Family Circle Easy Knitting", I forget which one. It is was done in Tomato Wool of the Andes.
I used Patons Classic Merino Wool for this little grey tote bag. I based this one a pattern from Knit One, Felt Too . It came out a bit smaller than I wanted, but oh well. Next time I'll know better.
I made another bag, a cute little brown and orange bag with a wooden toggle closure, but Lulu chewed on the toggle and I want to replace it before I post the picture.
posted at 11:55 PM .
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