Gimme an "L"!
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I know, it's disgraceful how infrequently I update this site. It's very bad of me. It was a chore to take pictures and then format them the way I had them before, but now I've uploaded all my knitting pictures to flickr, so it will be easier for me to update.
I made a few things recently, one of which is this nifty initial sweater for Lulu. I made the body on my knitting machine and did the ribbing by hand. I could have done the ribbing on the machine, too, but the ribber is tricky sometimes. I'm going to have to take the ribbing seminar at FIT again. Eventually. After I made the sweater I thought it looked a little bland, so I found a scrap of wool I felted for a different project and cut out an L. The first L i made was a Laverne & Shirley script L, but it looked a little off. The more I stared at it, the more it ceased to resemble a letter at all, so I cut a regular capital L. I used a contrasting magenta yarn to sew it on. I like the way it came out, although I bound off the ribbing on the bottom too tight, so it bunches up a little. Lulu doesn't mind, though, and that's what really counts, right?
posted at 3:30 PM .
link .  .
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