Baby Bonanza
Thursday, August 03, 2006
I've got two babies on the way, due in October. No, I'm not pregnant, but my cousin-in-law and a friend are, so I've been cranking out baby blankets. I'm crocheting them, mostly because it's faster than knitting. I started the Modern Log Cabin Baby Blanket from Mason-Dixon Knitting for my cousin's kid-to-be, but I got bored real fast. Of all knitting stitches, garter is the one I despise the most. I think it's because I'm a continental knitter and since it's a faster way to knit, it's also somewhat sloppier. My Aunt Nay, who is English all the way, does beautiful garter stitch. All her rows line up neatly without that occasional wide row that makes my garter stitch look like crap. It was also taking forever, so I gave up and started to make something on my knitting machine, but that was boring me too, so I decided crochet was my best bet. I based my blanket on pattern from Simple Crochet by Erika Knight. I really like the stitch used. It reminds me of seed or moss stitch, which are both faves of mine.
I finished the girl baby blanket (I love when people find out what sex their kid is going to be--it makes my life a lot easier) in shades of pink, camel, white and grey. It came out a little lopsided, since it was the first crochet blanket I ever made and at first I was crocheting really loose, but then I noticed I was tightening up considerably. I'm not too worried about it though, since I'm sure the blanket will get all stretched out once the new mom runs it through the wash a few times. I'm making the boy blanket a little larger, because I think the girl one came out too small. Anyway, I've got a lot of time to finish, since it's only August and the baby won't be here until Halloween.
Hmm...I should have made and orange and black Halloween blanket! Somehow, I don't think the parents would dig that.
posted at 2:51 PM .
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