I've Got Class
Friday, January 28, 2005
I signed up for a machine knitting class at my alma mater, FIT. I'm kind of nervous to take a class there. I get sad whenever I go there now. I graduated more than a decade ago, but my memories are still fresh. The campus is a sort of haunted playground to me. Around every corner I see shades of my past, old friends, dead friends, tragic heartbreaks, bad karma -- you name it. It makes me feel old to see all the young kids running around with cell phones. Cell phones! No one had cell phones when I went there. I didn't even have a regular phone back then. The pay phone in the hall sufficed.
At least I'm not taking an art class. I won't have to be on that floor or even in that building.
I hope the class is worth it. And I hope there are some cool old people there too.
posted at 1:48 PM .
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