Wednesday, February 16, 2005
I'm still chugging away on my "Tweedy Aran Cardigan" from Interweave. I've done the back and one of the fronts. Now I think I'm gonna go on hiatus and work on something easier for a little while. I got yarn to make Kyle a sweater, Patons Classic Wool pullover with dark grey heather and navy blue stripes, and I got myself some butterscotch Wool-Ease to make a ultra cropped long sleeved sweater from the new issue of Knit 1 magazine (with out the gay furry collar). It's small and short and will take no time at all, then I'll have something I can wear over my dresses for those chilly spring nights. I also got Fun Fur so I can make my mom a scarf. She wanted a furry scarf. I've never knit with Fun Fur before, so I'm a little scared, which I think is kind of funny. It seems like everyone who has learned to knit in the past three years has made at least one big, furry, garter stitch scarf out of novelty yarn. Everyone, that is, except me.
posted at 11:23 AM .
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