Hokey Polka
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Last weekend Kyle and I went to Junior's for breakfast then took a walk to my lys. On the way there we passed a Goodwill. We both stopped and said, almost simultaneously, "Wanna go in?". So we did. I had been inspired by neauveau.com's tutorial on unravelling a thrift store sweater to harvest yarn, so I trolled the sweater rack while Kyle browsed the housewares. I found two large chenille sweaters, one black, the other ruby red, and decided they would be perfect as scarves. So I got those and this awesome record. How scary is that? I unravelled most of the red sweater so far, but as I don't have a knitty noddy, I wasn't able to gauge the yardage. I have three nice sized balls already.
posted at 5:31 PM .
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