What's Next...
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I want to order some yarn from KnitPicks, but I don't know what to get. I'm thinking of making this sleeveless sweater from Vogue Knitting Holiday'05. As I have stated, it has no sleeves, which should make it go a little quicker. I'm thinking of using KnitPicks Shine. I also want to get some Twirl in Grass, to make I don't know what, probably a scarf. I just dig the color.
I finished my Christmas bags. I'll probably make a few more, for my mom. I bought two pounds of lavender to stuff them with, not knowing how much two pounds of lavender actually is. I might get some fancy candles to put in with the sachets, just to make it more of a "gift experience". Last year I made washcloths from Crystal Palace Cotton Chenille and wrapped them up with fancy soaps. Those went over well. I should check out the candle selection at Target the next time I go.
posted at 9:54 PM .
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