The Problem With Knitting Socks
Monday, May 15, 2006
I've discovered the drawback to knitting socks: when you finish one, you're only half done. Or in my case, three-quarters done. I brought the second sock along with me on my trip to Italy, but I was too busy taking my mom to the 24 hour emergency dentist to knit much. Then I got home and put the sock on a shelf. I know, it's very sad to leave one sock in a drawer with out it's mate, but c'est la vie.
I've been crocheting a lot recently. I got Stitch 'N Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker, and now crocheting makes more sense to me. Not as much sense as knitting, but Debbie Stoller has made it a little more comprehensible. My first finished project was the One Skein Scarf which I made in Peacock Classic Wool. I have a ton of Peacock Classic Wool in my stash. Years ago I bought many skeins for a sweater, but after that project became a lost cause I rolled it into balls which have taken up abode in my stash drawer (keeping the one sock company, I dare say).
Then I started making the green shrug from "Cutting Edge" magazine. It's a very easy pattern, but, of course, I finished half of it before I noticed a huge mistake I made right at the beginning. I hate patterns that don't include schematics. Not to mention I look like the swamp thing when I try it on. I should just stick to making non-garment projects.
Like the dishrag I just made from a pattern in Mason-Dixon Knitting . It's the right size. It's functional. I've already used it more than once. Plus, Kyle thinks I'm a genius. He wants more. More dishrags! Oh joy!
I'm also making granny squares galore. Perhaps this time I will make enough to sew together an afghan. I'm using various shades Patons Decor yarn from my prodigious stash. Kyle was pleased to learn that I hadn't bought any more yarn.
posted at 1:03 PM .
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