Lively Up
Friday, December 01, 2006
This is the hat I made Kyle. He loves it and so do I. I already started making myself one, but then set it aside after he gave me my new DSLR for Christmas. So instead of knitting and crocheting, I've been snapping pictures. Most of them aren't as blurry as this one though. This is the only one Kyle approved for use on the internet.
This is the "Lively Up" hat from Get Your Crochet On!. The description says it's the designer's version of an old school Kangol hat. I made the version with the bill for Kyle, as per his request, but I'm making myself the one with the brim.
It looks really cute on him. I joked that all he needs was a Vespa to look perfect. It's got kind of that hip, mod, horse-racing-jockey vibe to it. I used that wretched Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Bulky. Bleecch!! I can still feel the mohair clinging to my face.
Hopefully it will get cold enough for Kyle to actually wear the hat outside sometime soon. It's 66˚ in New York on the first of December.Labels: crochet, Get Your Crochet On, hat, Kyle
posted at 10:39 AM .
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