Stop & Shop
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
I finally found a copy of Better Homes & Gardens Simply Creative Crochet. I don't even know why I wanted this issue, other than I wanted it and couldn't find it anywhere. I went to two different Barnes & Nobles and two different Borders. I looked in the magazine rack at the supermarket. I searched the magazine aisle at Target. I'd just about given up when I spied a copy at the Borders out by my mom's house on Long Island. Sheesh. I haven't even flipped through it yet so I can't tell you if it's worth the six bucks I shelled out for it, but it really burns me that I live in "the greatest city in the world" yet I couldn't find a stupid Better Homes and Gardens supplement in any store, anywhere. I also picked up two boxes of Nabisco Famous Chocolate Wafers at my mom's local Stop & Shop. I can't get those at my supermarket either. Stupid Associated.Labels: crochet, magazines
posted at 6:23 PM .
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