Back in the Saddle
Monday, June 30, 2008
I've been slacking off on my knitblogging lately, but I have certainly not been slacking off on my knitting. Well, actually, my crocheting. I haven't knit anything in months, but I've been hooking up a storm. Of course, the only people aware of my prolificness are my flickr contacts and the fine people over at Ravelry. My recent slackoffedness is all Ravelry's fault, I tell ya. I start a project, fill in all the pertinent info such as pattern name, hook size, yarn, where I got said yarn, and whatever comments I have about the project. Then I upload flickr photos of my latest creation and voila! Instant online documentation of said project. Unfortunately, the ease of Ravelling has caused my slacking off on
So, to set things straight, I will show you what I've been working on recently.
First we have the Chanson En Crochet from Interweave Knits Wrap Style. I made this to wear with a bridesmaid dress, but it doesn't really match and I'm sure they bride wouldn't approve my wearing it anyway. Though it did come out rather smashing. I love the color. I used Elann Sonata. I don't exactly recall why I bought that yarn in that color, it was originally for some other project, but it was the same gauge as the yarn called for in the pattern so I figured, what the hell. I had fun making it. There are a lot of different stitches and patterns on each row, so it's an interesting project. It's the first wearable I've ever crocheted (aside from hats and scarves) and it actually fits, although I haven't worn it yet.
There is also a bittersweet aspect to this project. It was the first thing I made after my Aunt Nay died. She was a very talented and prolific knitter and crocheter and the only person in my family who cared about crafty things. I was so sad when I finished the wrap because I couldn't show it to her. I feel like that every time I start a new project or buy a new pattern book. Now I've inherited all her knitting paraphernalia and books. I guess someone has to carry on the family crafting tradition.Labels: chanson en crochet, crochet
posted at 10:10 PM .
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